About Coach Yese Godoy
IIFYM WOMEN has changed Yese's life and now she's ready to help you change yours! Yese loves helping people. Coaching is one way [...]
IIFYM WOMEN has changed Yese's life and now she's ready to help you change yours! Yese loves helping people. Coaching is one way [...]
How IIFYM Women began... ...coming soon
By Coach Arielle Crumble There has been a lot of talk about Intermittent Fasting so I thought I would write some info about it. Intermittent [...]
This picture and this Article is a great example of why just weighing yourself on a scale can be less than ideal. A body scale [...]
Alcohol is the "4th macro" and it's the only time we ignore the macros on the label and only look at the calories. Alcohol isn't [...]
Before uttering the words, "I am not losing weight," make sure you have everything on point from this checklist! -Are you weighing everything (within reason- [...]